
Public Consultations to discuss the Local Development Strategy for Gozo 2023 – 2027

admin August 1, 2023 No Comments
English post:
📢 Calling all Gozitan stakeholders! 📢
We are excited to announce a series of consultancy meetings to discuss the Local Development Strategy for Gozo. 🗣️ As part of the LEADER initiative under the CAP SP 2023-2027, your input is crucial in shaping Gozo’s future.
📅 Mark your calendars for one of the three upcoming meetings as per the attached adverts. 🗓️ Let’s come together, share ideas, and work towards a brighter and more sustainable Gozo! 🌟
Maltese post:
📢 Stedina! 📢
Inħabbru li se jiġu organizzati serje ta’ laqgħat ta’ konsulenza biex niddiskutu l-Istrateġija Għall-Iżvilupp Lokali ta’ Għawdex. 🗣️ Bħala parti mill-inizjattiva LEADER taħt il-CAP SP 2023-2027, il-kontribut tiegħek huwa kruċjali biex nibnu l-futur ta’ Għawdex.
📅 Attendi għal waħda mit-tliet laqgħat kif imnizzla f’l-avviż. 🗓️ Ejja ħalli naqsmu l-ideat, u naħdmu ghal-Għawdex iżjed sostenibbli! 🌟