
Final Public Consultation to discuss the Local Development Strategy for Gozo 2023 – 2027

admin September 6, 2023 No Comments
During the month of August, the GAGF has been hard at work organizing three public consultation meetings to shape the future of rural Gozo through the LEADER programme. 🌾🏡
🗣️ These meetings brought together various stakeholders, including Local Councils, NGOs, and our valued community members. We listened to the valuable insights on how LEADER can boost the social-economic situation of rural Gozo. 🤝
Based on this feedback, we are thrilled to announce that the GAGF is now in the final stages of designing the Local Development Plan (LDS) to be funded by the CAP SP 2023-2027! 📈
📢 We cordially invite you to join us for the last meeting to reveal our findings and the operations that are to be targeted with the LEADER programme:
📅 Date: 11th September 2023
🕔 Time: 17:00
📍 Location: Oratorju Don Bosco, Misrah Santu Wistin, Ir-Rabat, Ghawdex
Don’t miss out on this crucial event where we unveil the future plans for rural Gozo. Your presence and input are highly appreciated as we work together to make Gozo even better! 🌄
Matul ix-xahar ta’ Awwissu, il-GAGF organizzat tliet laqgħat ta’ konsultazzjoni pubblika biex insawru l-futur ta’ Għawdex permezz tal-programm LEADER. 🌾🏡
🗣️ Dawn il-laqgħat ġabru flimkien diversi entitajiet, inklużi Kunsilli Lokali, NGOs, u l-membri oħra tal-komunità. Aħna smajna s-suggerimenti dwar kif LEADER jista’ jagħti spinta lill-qagħda soċjali-ekonomika ta’ Għawdex. 🤝
Fuq il-bażi tar-rispons li gbarna, qiegħdin nħabbru li l-GAGF issa tinsab fl-aħħar stadji tat-tfassil tal-Pjan ta’ Żvilupp Lokali li għandu jiġi ffinanzjat mill-CAP SP 2023-2027! 📈
📢 Nistednukom biex tingħaqdu magħna ħalli nhabbru kif dan il-pjan gie mfassal u kif se jigi implementat taħt il-programme LEADER:
📅 Data: 11 ta’ Settembru 2023
🕔 Ħin: 17:00
📍 Post: Oratorju Don Bosco, Misrah Santu Wistin, Ir-Rabat, Ghawdex
Titlifx dan l-avveniment fejn se niżvelaw il-pjanijiet futuri għal Għawdex. Il-preżenza u l-kontribut tagħkom huma apprezzati ħafna! 🌄